Tobacco is 6th in the Brazilian agribusiness sector. In Rio Grande do Sul, tobacco accounted for 10% of total exports in Rio Grande do Sul, being the second most shipped product. In Santa Catarina, it occupies the 4th position.
January 2017 – Following Price Waterhouse Coopers’ trend, the tobacco sector showed a slight decrease in shipments compared to the previous year. Nonetheless, the product represented 1.15% of total Brazilian exports, which in 2016 reached US $ 185.235 billion. In the case of tobacco, 483 thousand tons were exported throughout Brazil and US $ 2.12 billion exported. The results have kept the country as the world’s largest exporter of tobacco since 1993.
But it is in the South that concentrates more than 99% of these shipments. In comparison with 2015, the South Region exported -2.78% in dollars and -6.45% in volume, with a cumulative of US $ 2.09 billion and 481 thousand tons. According to the president of the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco), Iro Schünke, the result was expected. “The amount shipped is in line with PWC forecasts, which showed a downward trend of -6% to -10% in 2016, both in dollars and volume,” he says.
According to the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC), the decline in tobacco exports was lower compared to other products such as corn in grain (-26.3%), coffee beans (-13.2% %), Soybean meal (-11.1%), soybeans (-8.2%) and beef (-7.2%).
The European Union remains the main import market, accounting for 41% of the volume shipped in 2016, followed by the Far East (28%), North America (12%), Eastern Europe (7%) and Africa / Middle East and Latin America (both with 6%). Among the major importing countries, Belgium, China and the United States lead the ranking, with a 15%, 6% and 10% increase, respectively, in the amount shipped. Altogether, 90 countries bought the Brazilian product in the last year.
Rio Grande do Sul confirmed its position as the largest producer and exporter of tobacco in Brazil. In 2016 were 383 thousand tons shipped, generating currencies of US $ 1.65 billion. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, tobacco accounted for 10% of the total exports of the year, being the second most exported product, behind only soy. In Santa Catarina, the product represented 5.7% of shipments, being the 4th of the commercial tariff. Considering the entire southern region, tobacco accounted for 5.3% of all shipments.
Source: MDIC/SECEX (2016)