Prices paid for green tobacco (both as Burley Virginia) in the Central and High land of Rio Pardo region of Rio Grande do Sul, responded in recent days. The finding is José Francisco Telöken, technical advisor for agriculture. In the first months of the year the producers came to protest against low pay for the product in southern Brazil.
He said the type Burley tobacco is almost all sold. Around 95% of the volume produced in the region has been delivered to industries. The average sale reached between R$ 68.00 and R$ 70.00 per bushel. Arroio do Tigre region is the largest Burley in the country.
The minimum, however, came to R$ 40.00. “This is very low, horrible. It’s money that will cease to circulate in the region, “he says. As Telöken in recent days has increased the demand of the industry for the product, driving up prices to R$ 110.00 peaks. The problem is that few growers held the tobacco.
But the tobacco type Virginia is 65% sold in the region, as analysis of the consultant. The average price is between R $ 110.00 and R $ 115.00 per bushel. “It is also bad and very low” he said. However, in recent days the producers have noted a slight improvement in average prices charged by the companies, reaching R$ 140.00 per bushel in some cases. The change was a result of production loss higher than expected so far by industry. “In the Central and High land region the drop was 20% due to excessive rain.
Magali Drachler [udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-envelope”]
Portal do Tabaco